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19 Gifts Every "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Fan Needs

28 TV Characters Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You


If you’re having a bad day, these struggles will make those gray clouds go away. There might be spoilers!

Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)

Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)

Aside being betrothed to Joffrey Baratheon, Sansa has been forced to watch her father get beheaded, lost nearly all of her family members, threatened with rape and abuse, and had to flee her own home to avoid Cersei's wrath. Someone get this girl some ice cream.


Bonnie Bennett (The Vampire Diaries)

Bonnie Bennett (The Vampire Diaries)

Bonnie has probably spent 60% of her time on the series dead. Thankfully, she's not a ghost anymore!


Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)

Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)

Sometimes in high school you feel like a teacher is ruining your life. But it's rare that your high school teacher will actually literally ruin your life by forcing you to kill people, letting your girlfriend die in her own vomit, and poisoning the kid of the woman you're seeing. Jesse drove off into the sunset at the end of the series, but he probably died in a car accident.


Meredith Grey (Grey's Anatomy)

Meredith Grey (Grey's Anatomy)

Meredith's friends have died. Meredith's family has died. Meredith herself has almost drowned, been blown up, and shot. Now she just had to take her damn husband off life support. Can Shonda Rhimes let Meredith live?! Or better yet, can she let anyone else in Meredith's life live?


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Are You More Buffy Summers Or Muffy Crosswire?

How Well Do You Remember The Intro To "Buffy The Vampire Slayer?"


You know, the one that goes Daaaa Duh Duh Daaaa Just to clarify, we’re talking season 1.

Sarah Michelle Gellar Just Paid Tribute To "Buffy" In The Sweetest Way


Prepare to get emotional.

On May 20, 2003, the final episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer aired.

On May 20, 2003, the final episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer aired.

The episode was titled "Chosen" and yes, spoiler alert, a lot of characters died. Thanks Joss.


Mother, movie star, and all around badass Sarah Michelle Gellar took to Instagram on the anniversary of the series finale.


The actress used a collage accompanied with an emotional message to remember Buffy Summers, the woman she brought to life over a seven year timespan.


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Buffy And Willow Had A Mini Reunion And Proved Friendship Never Dies


Willow and Buffy 4ever.

Every Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan remembers the iconic friendship between Buffy Summers and Willow Rosenberg.

Every Buffy the Vampire Slayer fan remembers the iconic friendship between Buffy Summers and Willow Rosenberg.

The pair were played by Sarah Michelle Gellar and Alyson Hannigan, aka two actresses who are still killing it.

The WB

The WB

The WB

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37 Times "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Got Way Too Real



When Buffy went to kill Angelus, but had to kill Angel instead.

When Buffy didn't know how to quit Angel.

Giles refusing to judge Buffy.

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46 Times "Angel" Completely Destroyed Your Soul


You’ll be Angelus by the time you’re done reading. SPOILERS.

When Angel finally became human, but had to become a vampire and erase Buffy's memories of their time together.

When moving to Los Angeles couldn't fix Angel's disposition.

When moving to Los Angeles couldn't fix Angel's disposition.

20th Television / Via goodbyepiccadilly.tumblr.com

When Doyle kissed Cordelia before sacrificing his life to save her and Angel.

When Doyle kissed Cordelia before sacrificing his life to save her and Angel.

20th Television / Via thecomfortador.tumblr.com

When Faith kidnapped Wesley and tortured him within an inch of his life.

When Faith kidnapped Wesley and tortured him within an inch of his life.

20th Television / Via snarksquad.com

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33 Things That Will Actually Make You Feel Truly Old


Warning: You might grow gray hairs reading this.

The year 2000 is as far away as 2030.

The year 2000 is as far away as 2030.

Via techie-buzz.com

Shawn and Cory are now older than Mr. Turner was when he started on Boy Meets World.

Shawn and Cory are now older than Mr. Turner was when he started on Boy Meets World.

ABC Television

It's been nine years since High School Musical first danced its way into our lives.

It's been nine years since High School Musical first danced its way into our lives.

David Livingston / Getty Images

J.Lo's ICONIC green Grammys-dress moment happened 15 years ago.

J.Lo's ICONIC green Grammys-dress moment happened 15 years ago.

Scott Gries / Getty Images

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15 Times Xander Harris Owned '90s Fashion

Can You Identify The “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” Character By These Emojis?


Let’s petition for a “stake to the heart” emoji.

The Ultimate "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Poll

16 TV Couples Who Would Have Been Thrilled By Today's Marriage Equality Ruling


For better or worse.

Willow and Tara, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Willow and Tara, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Warner Bros.

Ian and Mickey, Shameless

Ian and Mickey, Shameless


Callie and Arizona, Grey's Anatomy

Callie and Arizona, Grey's Anatomy


Kurt and Blaine, Glee

Kurt and Blaine, Glee


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If "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Were Set In Britain


Daniel Dalton / BuzzFeed / Warner Bros.

1. Buffy would be from Essex.

2. The Hellmouth would be somewhere around Basildon.

3. Buffy would be on the netball team.

4. Or the hockey team.

5. Or the football team, since woman aren't sideline participants in male sports.

6. It would be a lot harder to tell vampires from the regular sickly looking pale people.

7. Especially since they'd all be using fake tan.

8. She’d still be sarcastic, but so would everyone else.

9. Including the vampires.

10. They’d be extra sarcastic, probably.

11. Sarky bastards.

12. The show would involve a lot more banter.

13. Buffy would be among the least violent teens at her high school.

14. She’d spend as much time fighting hooded youths as demons.

15. And football hooligans.

16. And demon hoodies/hooligans.

17. Giles would still be posher than everyone.

18. People would assume he’d got chucked out of Oxford/Cambridge for doing something dodgy.

19. And they'd laugh because he looked just like the guy from the Nescafé ads on telly.

20. Students would actually use the school library for study.

21. And they would all wear school uniforms.

Warner Bros.

22. Which would render Darla’s uniform angle useless.

23. Xander would be called Alex.

24. Except on MSN Messenger.

25. He’d be considered quite buff.

26. But still would not be mysterious enough for Buffy.

27. Willow would be the first person in school to be into Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone.

28. The book would pique her interest in magic.

29. And cosplay.

30. She'd play Harry, and she'd make Giles dress up as Dumbledore.

31. Willow and Alex/Xander would have grown up together on a local council estate.

32. They’d love Men Behaving Badly.

33. Which Willow would only pretend to love because Xander loves it.

34. Angel would be from Yorkshire.

35. No one would be surprised that he’s a bit moody.

36. Hearing him say “Buffy” in a Yorkshire accent would never get old.

37. He and Giles would bond over Yorkshire Tea.

38. A big part of Angel and Buffy’s relationship would have been taking the piss out of each other’s accents.

39. She'd find him mysterious because she'd never met an actual Northerner.

40. Buffy would not have been a virgin before she slept with Angel.

41. Xander wouldn’t have been a virgin before he slept with Faith.

42. Nor Willow before Oz.

Warner Bros.

43. Nobody in the show would be a virgin.

44. Xander would have left school at 16 and done a carpentry apprenticeship.

45. He’d have his own white van.

46. And would go on at least one lads holiday to Magaluf.

47. Cordelia would still be rich.

48. But she wouldn’t have lost her fortune until the banking crisis in 2008.

49. But she would have gone out partying in east London, pretending not to be rich.

50. She would have taken Buffy to a house party with The Libertines in Bethnal Green.

51. She’d have dated pre-fame Pete Doherty.

52. And would have complained about Kate Moss taking her leftovers.

53. Since she likes a bit of rough, no one would think it was odd that she was dating Xander.

54. Spike would be an actual Londoner.

55. He’d hang out in Camden, mostly.

56. Within 10 metres of Camden Lock.

57. Where punk rock is not yet dead.

58. In “Ted”, Ted would have been played by David Jason.

59. The episode “Bad Beer” would have been titled “Bad Cider”.

60. It would have featured White Lightning and park benches.

61. And it would have been an episode in Season 1, when they were 16, not Season 4.

62. In the first Halloween episode they’d all have turned into drunk teens, since they would not have been in fancy dress.

63. At night they would hang out in a pub, since youth clubs are for 14-year-olds.

Warner Bros.

64. The pub would only have live music on a Saturday night.

65. It would be a band that did shit Britpop covers.

66. The same band every week.

67. The same covers.

68. The band would have a comedy name like "No Way Sis".

69. It would probably just be actual Britpop cover band No Way Sis.

70. Oz would be their bassist.

71. He’d hail from Manchester, and have a shit haircut and a Vespa.

72. He would drop more E’s than Gadsby.

73. When he wolfed out he’d just lay there, stroking his own fur.

74. A major plotline would have involved members of parliament as demons.

75. Probably the Hamiltons.

76. There would have definitely been a vampire-in-the-royal-family plot.

77. Probably Charles.

78. Joyce would get excellent medical care for free on the NHS.

79. Giles wouldn’t have to leave, therefore not ruining large chunks of the latter seasons with his absence.

80. After dropping out of uni, Buffy would have worked in a Nando's.

81. Instead of involving actual university studies, Season 4 would have just been an extended freshers' week of drink, drugs, and casual sex.

82. Basically just Skins with vampires.

83. And finally, each season would have been only six episodes long.

Warner Bros

19 Times You Related To Willow Rosenberg On A Spiritual Level


Sometimes she is callous and strange.

When her mom didn't believe she was actually rebelling.

The struggle of being a well-behaved teenager.

Warner Bros. / Via visionsgirl.tumblr.com

When she made a not-so-vague disclaimer.

Warner Bros. / Via slayer-stuff.tumblr.com

When she accepted her role as a sidekick.

Tara has it right, sitting is better.

Warner Bros. / Via claudiablacks.tumblr.com

We she had this awkward encounter.

For some reason we pretend like we're going to miss everyone.

Warner Bros. / Via claudiablacks.tumblr.com

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42 Things That Would Have Been Very Different If "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Were Set In Australia


Onya Buffy.

20th Century Fox / Courtesy Everett Collection

1. Buffy would originally be from Sydney.
2. Instead of being in Sunnydale, the Hellmouth would actually be in some small New South Wales town like Wagga Wagga, Griffith or Broken Hill.
3. Because it's Australia, there would be no cheerleading team.
4. So Buffy would just sign up for netball.
5. And Cordelia would be the captain of the netball team.
6. There would be no cute outfits on weekdays because every Aussie school kid has to wear uniforms.
7. But Buffy would still wear her signature cross necklace to school.
8. And people would probably assume she went to a Catholic school instead of a public one.
9. She'd also get detention for wearing her black boots.
10. Because of how damn sunny it is, it'd be easy to spot the vampires from the tanned civilians.
11. And they'd probably all just melt to death anyway.
12. Cordelia would call everyone a "moll".
13. Xander would take up surfing to try and impress the ladies.
14. He would be terrible at it.
15. Oz's band name, Dingoes Ate My Baby, would be WAY more offensive.

The WB

16. Oz would exclusively listen to Triple J.
17. And he'd also try and get his band on the station.
18. He'd love Silverchair and Powderfinger.
19. Because of the heat, Giles wouldn't be able to wear his signature suits.
20 He'd constantly talk about how "bloody hot" it is.
21. And the Scooby Gang would affectionately call him a pom.
22. Students would only come to Giles' library to use the free internet and look at Dolly magazines.
23. Buffy would have a poster of Drazic from Heartbreak High in her bedroom.
24. There would definitely be a bizarre plot about drop bears.
25. Or emus because they're actually pretty frightening.
26. Instead of going to The Bronze, everyone would hang out at the local pub.
27. And because the drinking age is 18, the whole Scooby Gang would be able to enjoy beer a lot sooner.
28. Which means the episode "Beer Bad" would have happened earlier.

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How Well Do You Know "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" ?


“If the apocalypse comes, beep me.”

22 "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Tattoos All Fans Will Appreciate

How Well Do You Know Faith From "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"?

Which Character Is Joss Whedon's Favorite?

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