“This is like a high school reunion, but much worse, because they all still look really great.”
Hey, Scoobies!!! You probably know that Buffy the Vampire Slayer, cult TV show and pillar of '90s pop culture, recently celebrated its 20th anniversary.
Well, to celebrate, the ENTIRE CAST* reunited for a special issue of Entertainment Weekly. And, quite frankly, I cannot deal with these kinds of emotions.
*OK, not the entire cast. There's one very important person missing, but we're trying not to focus on it.
James White for Entertainment Weekly
Being the master wordsmith that he is, the show's creator, Joss Whedon, described the situation perfectly.
Entertainment Weekly / ew.com
Because of course, they are all still obnoxiously flawless human beings. Let's take a look!
Entertainment Weekly / ew.com