Mash-ups are coming.
House sigil: A sofa
House motto: Pivot.
Enemies: House Geller have an on/off war with House Green thanks to a dispute about whether or not they were on a break.
Robin Edds / BuzzFeed
Doctor Who
House sigil: The TARDIS
House motto: Wibbly wobbly timey wimey.
Enemies: House Dalek.
Robin Edds / BuzzFeed
The Simpsons
House sigil: Blinky the three-eyed fish
House motto: You don't win friends with salad.
Enemies: House Flanders.
Robin Edds / BuzzFeed
The Walking Dead
House sigil: Sheriff's hat
House motto: We bury the ones we love, and burn the rest.
Enemies: House Woodbury, House Dead.
Robin Edds / BuzzFeed