The show aired a long time ago, but with Joss Whedon blowing up superheroes all over the place, a whole new generation of viewers are set up to discover it. Here’s what you need to know.
This is Buffy Summers.
Don't worry, her name is silly for a reason. Because even girls with names that sound like they'd be at home running a sorority house can be huge badasses.
She's one of the most legendary female characters on TV. Ever.
She's flawed, and she's strong, and she's weak, and she's complicated. She's a person. Sometimes she cracks under the pressure. But she's got a job to do, and she gets it done.
She fights vampires. And demons. And other Big Bads.
She basically saves the world. A lot.
Her group of friends go by the nickname "The Scoobies."
Name inspired by the crime-fighting teens of Scoobie Doo. They also save the world a lot, but they've got algebra tests to worry about.
Willow's nerdy and cute. Cordelia's sarcastic and self-centered. Oz is wise and stoic. Xander's a Nice Guy™ and basically the Chandler of the group. Angel broods and gets a spin-off. Giles drinks tea and judges. Some stay as the years go by, some leave.